Look down at the phone in your hand, or take a closer look at the computer screen. Did you know that the reason all the parts of your must have device work together because of a printed circuit board? We’ll be honest, we didn’t either. That is, until we talked to Tammie Fish and Stanley Bentley from DIVSYS International, an Indianapolis based company producing a piece of tech that makes your tech work the way it does.
The printed circuit board is one of the most critical components in almost all electronic devices. DIVSYS sets itself off from competitors by producing quality printed circuit boards that are tailored and go through a rigorous quality control process to ensure that customers are getting a solid product used as the foundation of every electronic gismo.
But in such an ever-changing market, DIVSYS was searching for new ways to stay competitive. Fish and Bentley utilized the Indy Chamber for some of the helpful services offered to aid and guide companies in their growth and was awarded one of Indy’s first GoGlobal grants. Fish, Managing Owner, and Bentley, senior technical advisor, knew they needed an aggressive exporting plan in order to stay competitive in the market.
The grant allowed DIVSYS to participate in a tradeshow for military and commercial airplane technology in Farnborough, UK. In an airfield amongst big names like Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Rolls Royce, DIVSYS engaged with potential global partners that could bring their product to wider audiences. DIVSYS ultimately hopes to use the resources from the GoGlobal Grant to expand exports through independent channels and expand into the military electronics segment; a sector Fish believes could be easier than most to expand their printed circuit board sales.
The DIVSYS team is excited about their plans to develop globally. Winning the Indy Chamber’s GoGlobal grant is going to move DIVSYS toward a global expansion. If you’re interested in learning more about the GoGlobal grant visit indychamber.com/goglobalgrant
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