IPS Operational Analysis Status Report

Indy Chamber News Archives

Just over a year since releasing the Indy Chamber’s comprehensive IPS Operations Analysis, the team at Indianapolis Public Schools has made progress in streamlining many of its functions in an effort to realize savings in various operations. 

As a result, we have teamed up with IPS to provide you a brief status report, highlighting the progress which has been made thus far in implementing the recommendations set forth in the original analysis. 

“This project is about more than just finding cost savings, this is about identifying efficiencies that will translate to a stronger IPS for student success,” said David Lewis, co-chair of the IPS Operational Analysis project and VP of Global Taxes and Chief Tax Executive with Eli Lilly. “The progress that has been made is tremendous and we are committed to continuing our partnership with IPS to see to it that this important work to address financial and other operational challenges continues.” 

Study areas of the report include:
- Operations
- Human resources
- Finance
- Information technology

“The support of the Indy Chamber through the operational analysis has been extremely helpful and insightful,” said IPS Superintendent Dr. Lewis Ferebee. “In continued partnership with the Chamber and business community, I am confident we will continue on the path of operational excellenceto maximize and leverage resources to better serve our students and families.”

To read the full Operational Analysis Status Report, click here.

About the IPS Operational Analysis:
In late 2013, the Indy Chamber, under the guidance of our member businesses, released a comprehensive Operational Analysis of the Indianapolis Public School Corporation. The mission of the project was to conduct operational analysis in conjunction with IPS administrative and board leadership to produce a set of tangible recommendations regarding operational excellence, opportunities for significant savings, and opportunities for redeployment of resources to maximize dollars flowing to the classroom in a sustainable manner. .

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