There's buzz across the nation about the great things happening throughout Indianapolis and the business community is in the center of it all. Bringing together the collective vision of our city's leaders will build upon this momentum to create a city that is strong, strategic, and sustainable. Under the guidance of Plan 2020, the Indy Chamber is eager to be a part of laying the foundation for our community's continued success for generations to come.
In support of Plan 2020, the Indy Chamber is leading several initiatives:
What is it?
In Q1 2015, the Indy Chamber will launch Indy's CEDS program, an economic roadmap involving the collaboration of both the public and private sectors. The launch of this initiative is the culmination of years of economic development work and strategic planning.
What will come out of this plan?
A plan of action for the Indy region's economic development efforts to include:
What is it?
The Indy Chamber is the business community's leading advocate, lobbying on behalf of issues that impact our business climate, livability, and government policy that affect the Indy region.
What will come out of these advocacy efforts?
Why is this important?
What are we doing to support small business?
The Indy Chamber is home to a comprehensive small business resource center with services from Business Ownership Initiative, Central Indiana Women's Business Center, and the Central Indiana Small Business Development Center.
These resources collectively offer:
In early 2015, the Indy Chamber, in conjunction with the City of Indianapolis will launch a one stop shop online resource for business owners to navigate the business launch, support, and permitting processes.
Why is talent important to Indy?
Quality workforce is a competitive advantage for companies. Retaining and attracting talent is important to both Indy's businesses and companies looking to relocate their operations or grow their business here.
What are we doing to attract talent to Indy?
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