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Plan 2020, the Bicentennial Plan for Indianapolis, recently launched a new online engagement tool called MindMixer. The intuitive engagement tool provides an opportunity for Indianapolis residents to have meaningful conversations with their leaders and peers about the future of Indianapolis.

Plan 2020 will use MindMixer to generate ideas, gather valuable feedback and measure the impact of the community’s contributions in a productive, two-way dialogue. The site’s goal is to connect civic challenges to community problem-solvers.

The responses captured through MindMixer will affirm whether Plan 2020 is addressing values that the Indianapolis community cares about. Participants can see, step-by-step, where their ideas stand in the Plan 2020 drafting process, and they will know who on the Plan 2020 team is listening to their feedback and implementing their ideas.

Some of the questions currently being asked on Plan 2020’s MindMixer page include:

- How can Indy leverage anchor institutions to promote economic development and new business opportunity?

- What do you wish Indianapolis valued?

- Does your current job provide you the opportunity to advance economically?

- Why do you live in Indianapolis? If you have moved away, why did you leave? 

Plan 2020 is an opportunity to update and upgrade public engagement for the 21st century. While MindMixer will not replace more traditional engagement methods, the 24-7 accessibility of the site exponentially increases Plan 2020’s ability to engage with the community in an accessible, transparent and user-friendly manner. It allows members of the community to contribute ideas on their own schedules and at their own pace, allowing for a broader audience to participate.

The Indianapolis community can explore Plan 2020’s MindMixer page by visiting

The community can also engage with Plan 2020 in the following ways:

  • Take the Plan 2020 Survey - This survey asks important framing questions that will help the Plan 2020 team understand what the community wants Indianapolis to become in 2020 and beyond. The questions will also inform the development of the City of Indianapolis' Consolidated Plan, which stipulates how community development investments are made. Take the survey here -
  • Visit The Hall - The Hall (old City Hall) is the planning hub for Plan 2020. The Hall hosts non-traditional public meetings, forums, events and activities to spur innovative thinking about the future of Indianapolis.
  • Volunteer for the Plan 2020 Street Team - The Plan 2020 Street Team helps engage the Indianapolis community in discussions about the future of the Circle City. For more information on joining the team, email Alex Miser at [email protected].
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