Indy DO Day partners with Rotary Club of Indianapolis to enhance community-wide service initiative

Indy Chamber News Archives

Organizers of Indy DO Day recently announced a community partnership led by the Rotary Club of Indianapolis that will enhance the community-wide service initiative in 2014 and for years to come. This year, Indy DO Day will take place from October 2-4.  

In the 2013 inaugural year, more than 15,000 individuals completed a community service project during Indy DO Day, making it the largest service mobilization in the city’s history even above Super Bowl XLVI. More than 150 organizations participated in the inaugural year. United Way, Indiana Sports Corporation, Eli Lilly and Company, RJE Business Interiors, Borshoff, Big Car and Indianapolis Downtown, Inc., as well as the Indy Chamber, Super Service Challenge and City of Indianapolis were among the first to commit manpower and resources to making Indy DO Day a reality.

“We are thrilled with the success of Indy DO Day in 2013 as a grassroots initiative, and are eager to see an even greater impact in 2014 and future sustainability through this partnership,” said Sherrie Bossung, an Indy DO Day organizer and the director of community outreach and employee engagement at Eli Lilly and Company. “While we will never lose the grassroots spirit, our steering committee saw the need to create a more formalized structure with many committees and opportunities for community leaders, like the Rotary and its members, to get involved.”

“As Indianapolis strives to become the most civically engaged community in the nation, it is critical we all work together to inspire a heart of service,” said Susie Harmless, executive director of the Rotary Club of Indianapolis. “Our motto is ‘service above self,’ so it is a natural fit for us to support the Indy DO Day initiative. Our members are excited to get involved and work with other organizations, businesses and individuals interested in making a difference.”

The Rotary Club of Indianapolis is an organization of more than 350 business and professional leaders who value humanitarian service. Founded in 1913, the Club has compiled an extensive record as one of the leading supporters and contributors to the quality of life in Indianapolis. 

“We encourage everyone to save the date and start thinking about how you can best serve your community. Indy DO Day provides a chance to teach community leadership and team building, while coming together to complete projects that might otherwise go unfinished,” added Bossung.

For more information and to get involved, please visit

About Indy DO Day

Launched in 2013, Indy DO Day is a people-powered community day of service when the residents of Indianapolis take ownership of their neighborhoods and take care of their neighbors. This grassroots initiative was developed by a coalition made up of area businesses and organizations looking to inspire change. For more information, visit

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