Indy Region Labor Market Overview
Engage with the interactive data visualizations used to inform the report by clicking the link below. View Indiana's Evolving Labor Market report here.
The Swiss Model: Overview of the Swiss Education System
Overview of Modern Apprenticeship Pilot and Statewide Community Practice
Small Business Engagement in Youth Apprenticeship
Role of Intermediaries in the Dual Education System
Hear information on the 2023 trip logistics and take a deeper dive into 2023's content. Listen here.
Katie Caves, economist in Switzerland
Caves introduces the Swiss structure, the impact, and the similarities between Switzerland and the States. Watch here.
Harvard Business School case study on CareerWise Colorado
A case study that provides an explanation of the Swiss system and the talent challenges the U.S. faces, including a comparison chart showing the Swiss system vs other systems.
Vocational and Professional Education Training in Switzerland
A succinct, yet comprehensive overview of the entire Swiss system.
Modern Apprenticeship for High School Students
A two-page overview of existing Indiana modern youth apprenticeship work.
Co-creating High School Student Experiences (House Enrolled Act 1002 – 2023)
An overview of HEA 1002 which will be referenced during the CEMETS panel on Sunday, Sept. 17.
Special LEX edition of the Indiana Business Review from the Kelley School of Business
LEX delegates Jason Kloth and Stephanie Bothun at Ascend and Phil Powell at IU offer insight into how the Swiss apprenticeship system offers promise for the uplift of the Indianapolis workforce.
A comparison of Indiana and Switzerland.
A map showing the Indiana counties with one or more Switzerland establishments.
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