Operation Hired’s team in Orlando

We were able to take our team to Orlando to attend the National Veteran Small Business Conference to update our strategies regarding government contracting and create a shared azimuth amongst the team. Oh yeah, and to NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK!

A portion of our business model is to help companies that win government contracts find the right people to fill those roles for their newly won contract. We believe that veterans and veterans spouses provide not only the back ground and abilities to fill those roles, but bring with them the soft skills necessary to build their business and compete for the next contract.

Our team came back "eyes wide open" at the possibilities and relationships made and are looking forward to working with several companies we met at this conference.

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Working Together to Advocate for Better Business

Indy Chamber News Archives The Indy Chamber has a longstanding history of serving as an advocate for business throughout the Indianapolis region. We know that today’s professionals are busy focusing... read more

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