This 3-hour online training session is designed to teach the basic fundamentals of report design. Training will be held in a hands-on, online format including hands-on exercises.
*Classes are limited to 15 attendees for more personal instruction.
*Participants need to have Crystal Reports, along with Sage 100 installed on their workstation prior to the start of training. You may use a live company or a test company for the sample data.
*Current knowledge of data structures is suggested.
DATE: Wednesday, May 15th, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET
CPE: 3 Credits
$295 – Single Attendee
$221.25 – Multiple Attendees (discounted pricing)
Make Checks Payable To:
DWD Technology Group
9921 Dupont Circle Drive West, Suite 300
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Do you have any questions? Contact Leeah Peters at [email protected] or 800.232.8913.
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