Invitation to Bid from Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA)

Electronic Bids (E-Bids) will be received via PlanetBids (IAA’s solicitation management system) by Messer Construction for Parking Garage Expansion at the Indianapolis International Airport; Project No. I-19-050 Bid Package 4 – Bird Netting.  All bids will be submitted electronically and read aloud on October 25, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. E.T.  No bids will be permitted after the designated time.  To attend the bid opening on-line (virtual meeting), please us the following link:

Meeting ID: 912 6410 9156

Passcode: 843718

Plans, Specifications and Bid Documents are available electronically at at no cost to all registered bidders & suppliers.  If you need access to documents and cannot locate them, email Rosie Jamieson at [email protected].

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