Leadership Johnson County Hosts Workshop on Customer Service

Creating positive emotional engagements with your customers drives loyalty. In workshop Creating the Customer Experience and Enhancing Customer Loyalty, you will learn from top organizations which have achieved above average customer loyalty by establishing a vision and service culture that focuses on the “WHY” for both their employees and customers. You will identify your own touchpoints that can have a major impact on your customers and be able to identify your own key words and key times to create an overall service excellence experience.

The workshop will be held Thursday, October 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Johnson County Armory, 325 Minuteman Way. Registration is required. Cost is $59 per person for Leadership Johnson County Signature Program graduates, Franklin College alumni, Franklin, Aspire and Indy Chamber members. Register at: https://franklincollege-ubsru.formstack.com/forms/customer_experience_2023_24

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Indy DO Day partners with Rotary Club of Indianapolis to enhance community-wide service initiative

Indy Chamber News Archives Organizers of Indy DO Day recently announced a community partnership led by the Rotary Club of Indianapolis that will enhance the community-wide service initiative in 2014... read more

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