Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Conflict Resolution Workshop

Conflict can occur in any organization, group, family or relationship. It is natural and expected. The important issue is how to effectively handle conflict. Being able to perceive and assess your emotions and those of others can help resolve confrontations and fallout. Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Conflict Resolution will help participants effectively manage those tense conversations and disputes and prevent conflicts from escalating. The workshop will be held on Friday, April 21 from 9:00 to 12 noon at the Johnson County Armory with facilitator Brad Coy.

Registration is required. Cost is $59 per person for Indy Chamber members. General public pricing is $69 per person. Group discounts are available. Register at: https://franklincollege-ubsru.formstack.com/forms/emotional_intelligence_2023




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Leadership and Healing: What’s The Connection?

This Leadership Johnson County workshop will focus on how organizations contribute to struggles and tensions and how leaders can enhance and strengthen individual and organizational resilience.

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