I Am Indy Chamber: NEXT Studios



Home of innovators.

NEXT Studios, founded by John McDonald, is an innovation studio with a powerful twofold role: help existing companies resolve cultural and strategical issues and help startup companies stick a landing. With a clear focus on underserved founders, NEXT Studios is the supporter and sidekick to aspiring entrepreneurs. It serves as a vehicle for small and large businesses alike while continuously pursuing innovative change.

McDonald, and NEXT Studios, are committed to empowering business visionaries, especially those who are disadvantaged from empowering themselves. Across Indiana, many aspiring founders are unable to access the funds, timelines, and connections that simplify the jumpstart of a business, but as NEXT Studios recognizes, this should not presuppose failure. How do they help? By offering a start-up boot camp called Discovery Week.

Discovery Week, in the words of John McDonald, is designed so that “the output of the week is confidence.” It functions as an alternative to the traditional venture capital system, enabling underserved founders to receive informed guidance and pressure-test their ideas.

In addition to putting on numerous Discovery Weeks throughout the year, NEXT Studios supports the underprivileged founder community via the NEXT Community Impact Fund, a venture capital fund developed specifically to invest money in disadvantaged startup founders. McDonald notes that Indy Chamber has made a commitment to invest in the NEXT Community Impact Fund and commends this investment as a benefit of NEXT Studio’s Chamber membership.

McDonald also discusses his valuable experience at the Indy Chamber’s Leadership Exchange, as well as reflects on the Chamber’s prominent role in economic development and what this means for its members.

Check out our interview with John McDonald above to learn more.

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