What is J. Galt Finance Suite?

Although the name suggests otherwise, J. Galt Finance Suite (Galt) does not deal in funding, financing, or providing credit. Rather, we guide the business owner through the process of building a robust business credit profile.

The very fact that a business has its own credit score and can build its own credit profile is a shock to most business owners.  It’s “too good to be true” when the business owner learns the score and profile is built without ever utilizing the owner’s personal credit score or personal guarantee.

We’ve found that more than 98% of our clients have no business credit whatsoever, even those who have been operating for quite some time.  In fact, business credit must be built proactively and intentionally.

Did you know...

...Using a business credit card with a personal guarantee does not build business credit?

...Less than 7% of vendors report positive payment history to business credit agencies?

...Non-profits have the same path to capital and vehicle purchases as for-profit businesses?

...Less than 2% of businesses are approved for an SBA loan?

With an ever-changing economic and regulatory environment, a small business perpetually finds itself at risk.  Whether they realize it or not, a business owner needs to build business credit now, not at the point when it’s actually needed.  Business owners typically seek business credit when they’ve experienced pain, not before.  While the best time to build business credit was when the business first started, the next best time to begin is now.

Sharing this message with business owners across the country has been difficult.  They are busy, tired, anxious, stretched far too thin and, quite often, defensive.  Especially so when they hear our business name and automatically assume we offer funding, financing, or credit.

In the world of business credit there aren’t many competitors.  When you see what we offer, there is no competition.  Galt guides business owners through our 7-step, 12 to 18 month process of building business credit on their company’s EIN.  Once the business owner establishes a business credit profile, they are able to secure high-limit vendor, store, fleet, and cash credit lines in their business name without a personal guarantee or personal credit check.  Furthermore, no collateral or cash flow is required for approval, or to even get started building business credit.

Full business credit will help an owner drastically reduce commercial insurance costs, unchain an owner from personal financial liability for business expenses, make credit lines available to help an owner keep cash on hand, manage monthly operating costs when the next economic downturn arrives, and much, much more.

Galt was founded following the co-owner’s tragic loss of two close friends to severe, temporary depressive states stemming from two separate economic hardships.  He then embarked on a mission to educate every small business owner across the country on the process of building, utilizing, and managing true business credit.

The name of the company was chosen as a tribute to the character John Galt in the novel, “Atlas Shrugged.”  John Galt embodies every man and woman possessing the grit, passion, and dedication necessary for that uncertain leap into business ownership.

One of the co-owners introduced me to Galt not long after its founding.  As a “recovering” attorney, teaming with Galt was the natural next step on my journey toward providing a service that could make the largest possible impact on the business owner – freeing the owner financially from the business so the financial health and well-being of the owner and its family is no longer at risk.

For more information, please access https://jbaird.jgalt.io or contact me to schedule a no-obligation discussion about building business credit either at [email protected] or at (317) 698-1798.

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