Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana: Free Event at the Artsgarden

Join us and get #Indyspired! Indyspired is a campaign where individuals can share how they are moved by their pride and inspirations in the community to get involved - with the intention to move others to get involved as well.

This month, we are working with Maria De Leon, one of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Princesses to share how she has been influenced by community involvement and how she #Indyspires others. Join the 500 Festival Princesses and Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Indianapolis Artsgarden on April 28th from 5:30-7pm to be inspired by your Indianapolis community.

RSVP online using this link:

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Indiana Donor Network COO Wins ACHE Award

Indy Chamber News Archives Steve Johnson, the chief operating officer of Indiana Donor Network, is a new recipient of the prestigious American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Regent’s Award. Steve... read more

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