INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., August 7, 2018—EnviroForensics®, an Indianapolis-based environmental engineering, consulting and remediation design firm announced today that Andrew Horwath, Professional Engineer (PE), was recently promoted as the Director of Engineering and Remediation Services. Horwath’s new role is a pivotal part of the company’s enhanced corporate structure, and will provide focus on the remediation side of the business.
EnviroForensics and PolicyFind President, Jeff Carnahan, says “Andrew Horwath has provided us with an excellent opportunity to match our clients’ needs for innovative and cost-effective environmental clean-up solutions. In an industry where traditional remediation engineers are becoming harder and harder to find, Andrew allows EnviroForensics to hire top talent and train from within. I’m excited that he will continue to be a leader in our growing organization.”
Horwath holds Professional Engineer (PE) certifications in eight states, bringing a wealth of environmental engineering experience and expertise in remediating chlorinated solvents, petroleum and metals. As the Director of the Engineering and Remediation Services, Horwath leads a growing team of engineers, geologists and scientists who provide the technical, engineering and design expertise for EnviroForensics’ environmental remediation projects.
“In a climate of short-sighted pave and wave environmental solutions, the desire to postpone liabilities through a series of legal controls may take favor in place of actual contaminant reduction clean-up methods,” Horwath says. “We’ve been able to tackle more intricate design solutions for our clients and come up with creative approaches in even the most challenging contamination conditions. Our goal is to provide innovative, engineered solutions to our clients, even where there’s no simple answer for solving their environmental contamination case.”
For More Information:
Jackie Cabrera, Marketing Manager
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