Hylant Seminar: Managing Risk in Silos Can Be Costly for Your Company

What if you had a way to quantify and qualify risks for your company that positioned you in the driver’s seat of managing costs, growing your business, and attracting and retaining talent?

It’s a challenge to ensure major business decisions are in alignment for your entire organization. And these decisions can be costly if you aren’t considering their impact on other key areas of your company – areas that might surprise you.

Join Hylant experts - Nathan Peterman and Sarah Million - as they speak about key emerging trends in risk management. And, more importantly, the potential impact to your business, if any of the concepts are implemented independently and not vetted across the aisle.

Takeaways - Learn about proactive measures your company can take:
• Pharmacy cost containment strategies and the exposures created by eliminating coverage for certain medications
• Stop loss captives and the potential danger zone of not properly documenting and covering your bases
• Increased access to data and the risk that puts you in as an employer

Join us in Indianapolis on May 22 or Bloomington on May 23! To register contact Shannon Orr at Shannon.orr@Hylant.com

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Junior Achievement to induct prominent Indianapolis leaders into the Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame

Today, Junior Achievement of Central Indiana (JACI) announced the four Laureates who will be inducted into the Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame this year. The 2022 Laureates are Sue Ellspermann PhD, President, Ivy Tech Community College; Jeffrey A. Harrison, President & CEO, Citizens Energy Group; David L. Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, Inc.; and Mark D. Miles, President and CEO, Penske Entertainment Corp.  The honorees will be inducted at the 34th Annual Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame Gala on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022, at the Indiana Roof Ballroom. Jeff and Heather Smulyan will serve as this year’s event Co-Chairs. Jeff Smulyan was inducted into the Central Indiana Business Hall of Fame in 2000, and is Chairman, CEO and Founder of Emmis Communications.

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