Raise Your Hand if You Like to Read!

Indy Chamber News Archives

United Way of Central Indiana knows that children who read at or above grade-level are more likely to succeed in school and in life. Students can achieve this through the support of their ReadUP tutors. Students who are 12-16 months below the third-grade reading level can grow in confidence and find an appreciation for reading with the help of our dedicated volunteers. 

WHAT: All it takes is one hour a week to read with two third grade students for 30 minutes each. Or, partner with a volunteer and alternate weeks. Consistency is the strength of ReadUP – volunteers work with the same two students all year making the program a mentoring opportunity as well as a tutoring opportunity.

HOW: Visit www.uwci.org/readup to view the available schools in Marion County. All schools have different ReadUP times throughout the day. Volunteers can tutor on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. New volunteers are required to attend a 90-minute training before the program starts the week of September 11th.

Please contact Abby Toppe at [email protected] with any questions! 

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