Intern Day at the State Fair

Indy Chamber News Archives

Indiana INTERNnet is hosting an Intern Day at the Indiana State Fair to immerse interns in the great things Indiana has to offer, while providing them an opportunity for networking. This event is open to mentors and interns (even if their internship has ended for the summer). The Fair is not having College ID Day this year, but will provide free parking and admission tickets for registered guests on August 4th.

Check-in will begin at 8:00 a.m. The programming will include a trivia networking game, internship experience sharing and remarks from Indy Hub representative, Ashely Miser. Interns will then be released to enjoy the Fair at their leisure and participate in an optional social media contest to win prizes donated by local organizations.

Capacity is limited, and registration is required by July 14. Contact Karissa Rector ([email protected]) to reserve spots for interns and mentors at your organization! 

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