2. Social Media
Sample social media post:
[Business] is pleased to announce it has received a matching grant through the GoGlobal Export Acceleration Program! These funds will be used to help [Business] tap into a new markets and prepare for international business, thanks to this grant by the Indy Chamber and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
3. Visual Resources
Below are some resources and helpful information for getting started.
The GoGlobal Grant Export Acceleration Program, presented by the Indy Chamber and JPMorgan Chase & Co., provides financial assistance to qualifying companies for activities and services that help prepare for international business activities and support expansion into new markets. The program will offer $5,000 in matching grant funds. The goal of this program is to foster export growth in the nine-county Indy metro, foster a diverse and resilient economy, and support job retention and creation.
Receiving a GoGlobal grant is a significant achievement worth sharing with the public. By publicizing your grant, you will build awareness and credibility for your work as well as signal plans for growth.
1. Press Release
The Indy Chamber's suite of small business support services can help grow your export activity. With export experts on call, your growth strategies can be vetted using the Indy Chamber's network of resources:
View a list of Indy's export service providers here
EXPORT PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Services related to training and business planning for export activity will be considered for approval. Company must submit full scope of work and/or training program agenda.
TRADE SHOWS AND INDUSTRY CONFERENCES Activity will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for strength and relevance of show, evidence of robust attendance by international buyers, and degree of exposure to sales opportunities as submitted by the applicant.
TRADE MISSIONS Must include a robust agenda of business to business meetings and companies must be willing to submit agenda for evaluation. Company requests to use grant funds for a trade mission will be considered based on the export readiness of the company, evidence of suitability of the market for company's products, and degree to which trade mission destination and activities align with company's stated goals.
OTHER EXPORT SUPPORT SERVICES Services which are not explicitly covered under the grant may be considered for approval. It must be demonstrated that a proposed service will benefit the company and the nine-county Indy region economy in keeping with the goals of the GoGlobal Grant Export Acceleration Program. A full list of approved services can be found in the grant application.
Any expenses which fall under the grant-covered activities may be reimbursed through the program. Use the Excel sheet (below) to help itemize the expenses you want to use toward your grant fund. Send the sheet along with your receipts and a W-9 to Susanna Taft staft@indychamber.com. Once we receive these three items, we'll work through the reimbursement process on our end.
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