Department of Business and Neighborhood Services Open House

Indy Chamber News Archives

INDIANAPOLIS – The Department of Business and Neighborhood Services (BNS) will host a 'State of the Department' open house on Wednesday, September 7, at 5:30 p.m. at the Platform, 202 East Market Street. 

The open house, open to the public and press, will allow Indianapolis citizens the opportunity to speak with BNS Director Jason Larrison, deputy directors and leadership staff on current programs and proposed initiatives.

Director Larrison will also discuss the reorganization of the department, the joining with Indianapolis Animal Care Services (IACS), and what the rebranding and restructuring of the departments mean in improving Indianapolis' quality of life.

Who: Department of Business and Neighborhood Services

What: State of the Department (Open House)

When: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Where: The Platform, 202 East Market Street

For additional information about the Department of Business and Neighborhood Services, please visit

The mission of the Department of Business and Neighborhood Services (BNS) is to protect and improve the quality of life of persons and animals in the City of Indianapolis through: outreach to, education of, and engagement with citizens, businesses, and visitors; creative and strategic applications of codes and regulations; sensible, effective, and efficient practice of licensing, permitting, inspection, enforcement, and abatement services; and encourage services; and encourage appropriate use, care, and operation of properties, businesses, events, and animals.



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