Poll Shows Marion County Residents Overwhelmingly Support Transit Plan

Indy Chamber News Archives

INDIANAPOLIS—Poll results released today show broad-based support across Marion County registered voters for this fall’s ballot initiative to improve mass transit in Indianapolis. Following last week’s public rollout of the grassroots initiative, Transit Drives Indy, there is clear momentum and public support for the Marion County Transit Plan.

As American Strategies reported, “Sixty-one percent fully support the referendum, which will appear on the ballot this November, with just 33 percent opposed. The measure attracts bipartisan support and majority backing in each region of the county.”

Supporters self-identified as democrats (74%), independents (55%), and republicans (47%). Support was strongest in the northern (66%) and central (62%) parts of the county, though support was strong across the entire county.

“We are pleased with the broad support among Marion County residents who recognize the value that improved transit service will bring to our neighborhoods, our business community and our city—jobs, quality of life, and greater independence,” said Mark Fisher, vice president of government relations and policy development at the Indy Chamber. “The Marion County Transit Plan will better connect job seekers and employers while ensuring Indianapolis remains competitive for talent.”

“Coming on the heels of last week’s Transit Drives Indy rollout, the energy behind the transit movement continues to grow and gain momentum,” said Roger Lundy, president of MIBOR REALTOR® Association. “Marion County residents and the central Indiana region as a whole benefit from improved mass transit, providing the key to connecting neighborhoods, providing access to more housing opportunities and enabling independence for vulnerable populations.”

Polling has consistently shown large margins of support for improved transit service. An April 2016 survey showed statistically identical results. This August survey of 2,500 registered voters in Marion County conducted by Washington, DC based American Strategies has a margin of error of +/- 2 percent.


About MIBOR REALTOR® Association:
MIBOR is the professional association representing central Indiana's REALTORS®. MIBOR serves the needs of more than 7,000 members in Boone, Brown, Decatur, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Morgan and Shelby counties. MIBOR also supplies the BLC® service to REALTORS® in Putnam county. MIBOR’s archive of housing data can be found at www.mibor.com.

About Indy Chamber:
The Indy Chamber is the voice of progress and improvement for the Indianapolis region's business community. With membership of nearly 2,000 businesses in the Indianapolis region, the Indy Chamber is leading the effort to strengthen the business climate, improve the state of education, revitalize neighborhoods and enhance the region's workforce. For more information, visit IndyChamber.com

American Strategies Memo and Topline Data
Transit Drives Indy pubic release, Thursday August 25, 2016: 
Community Transit Supporters Launch Grassroots Effort "Transit Drives Indy"

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