Central ISBDC Clients on the EDGE

Indy Chamber News Archives

The Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC) EDGE Awards celebrate economic development and growth through entrepreneurship and are given to emerging and established businesses that receive no cost counseling from the ISBDC. Maximizing the ability to grow their business through utilizing their resources, these small business owners are awarded by the Small Business Administration (SBA) for their outstanding achievements. Dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed in the Central Indiana region, Central Indiana Small Business Development Center (CISBDC) advised two EDGE Award winners, Indiana Craft Jerky and Cornerstone Bread Company.

Indiana Craft Jerky
Before starting their business, Michelle and Ron Twaddell began working with CISBDC to get their business off the ground.  Through one-on-one small business counseling, Indiana Craft Jerky was launched and became so successful, Michelle and Ron were approached to sell their product wholesale in and out of state. The couple is currently in the process of hiring more employees to keep up with the demand of a company growing at a 10 to 15 percent rate monthly. To fulfill their upcoming wholesale orders, Michelle and Ron are working with CISBDC to obtain a small loan for equipment purchases.

In the spirit of community, Michelle and Ron are helping other entrepreneurs on their business ownership journey. Seeing a need for commercial kitchen space for small food manufacturers like themselves, Michelle and Ron built three additional commercial kitchen spaces in their building to create the Westside Commercial Kitchen Co-Op. Michelle and Ron also assist their fellow food entrepreneurs in obtaining food and health permits, and refer them to ISBDC for one-on-one assistance.

To learn more about Indiana Craft Jerky, visit indianacraftjerky.com. To see their feature on Fox59, click on the following link

Cornerstone Bread Company
Cindy Helmling first contacted Central ISBDC in 2009 after buying a commercial bakery. Over the course of 15 or more sessions, Central ISBDC worked with Helmling focusing on developing a marketing and sales strategy to support Cornerstone’s business development efforts. Additionally, Central ISBDC has advised Cornerstone with strategic planning, relocation to a larger facility, reducing employee turnover, acquisition of a competitor, increasing production capacity, cash flow management, and other business aspects.

To learn more about Cornerstone Bread Company, visit cornerstonebread.com.

To schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Central ISBDC business advisor, please contact Karen Leak at [email protected] or 317.464.2228. 

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