Innovators Challenge





Each year #IndyCivicHack throws caution to the wind and gathers all data sources together to see what innovative ideas our participants can create. This year is no exception. You'll have only24 hours to create and present your innovative idea, so make it a good one! Use the State and City data resource links below to get started.

Did you know that OpenIndy, The City of Indianapolis’ open data portal (, has just had its 1 year birthday? In honor of that, Mayor Hogsett encourages hackathon teams to focus their energy on Open Indy to unlock the power of the many data sets it contains.  In particular, the Mayor’s Action Center (MAC) has placed hundreds of thousands of records of all kinds that are begging for analysis. ( keywords: mayor’s action center) 

The Data Wranglers at the hackathon are challenged to dive in and unlock the trends, relationships and insights currently hidden in the data.  This challenge has no boundaries and teams are welcome to use any additional data sources to help tell the story of what they find. At OpenIndy, there are also other data sources ready for different kinds of analysis.  So if different data sets are more interesting, the City is open to whatever type of analysis that your team wants to put together. 

Tableau is a sponsor thisyear and through a special arrangement, Tableau tools will be made available to teams. So while it is not a requirement, we do encourage the use of the Tableau tools for analysis. To help, the Tableau representatives will also be available to answer questions about their tools and provide a tutorial for anyone wanting to learn more about using it.

Teams will be judged on their creativity and usefulness of the data analysis.  Teams are encouraged to consider using MAC data, but any data from either the City ( or any number of state or federal sites are fair game.  Innovate away!!


State of Indiana Socrata Data Hub:
Indiana Transparency Portal:
Indiana Dept. of Local Government Finance:
Indiana State Budget Agency:
Indiana Dept. of Transportation:
Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management:
Indiana Gateway (Financials):
INdicators (Health Data):
The Stats House (housing indicators):
INDYindicators (quality of life indicators):


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