Development on Tap: Remaking Indy

Indy Chamber News Archives


Please join us on July 15th at the Platform to welcome Preuss who will be sharing her knowledge and experiences with the Makers Movement in Indianapolis. The program includes special remarks from Adam Thies, Director of the Department of Metropolitan Development, and Michael Huber, CEO of Indy Chamber.

Makers from Design BankRUCKUS MakerspaceJ. Hilburn Stylist, and Mercurious Designs will showcase their processes and products. Light refreshments and Sun King beer will be served. Feel free to send the save the date to your networks!


Wednesday, July 15th, 2015       4:30pm – 6:30pm


The Platform at City Market 202 E. Market St., 46204


Email LISC Program Assistant Elle Roberts


Indy Chamber

City of Indianapolis

Circle City Industrial Complex

Recast City

Sun King Brewery

Develop Indy

Indianapolis LISC

Ilana Preuss has spent nearly 20 years working with communities and businesses across the country helping them build strong places by adopting and implementing real estate and infrastructure development policies. These days, Preuss focuses on connecting small-scale manufacturing and maker industries to neighborhood redevelopment and real estate opportunities.

Bright Arrow Coaching Indy Chamber
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