Test Project


Paula (VanDeVanter) Galloway
Manager, Business Development
Indy Chamber Regional Economic Development
[email protected]

Project Orchid

Prepared for Nick Juszczak - CBRE

June 19, 2013

Dear Mr. Juszczak,

On behalf of Indy Partnership please extend our gratitude to your client for including the Indianapolis region in its search for an information technology call center.  Attached, to the right, is a document titled "Indianapolis Region - Market Overview" that provides background information on the Indianapolis Region.  

We have completed your Request for Information, and all data is encompassed in this secure portal.  Per your requests, please find:

  1. List of Call Centers in the MSA - See attached list titled 'Indianapolis MSA Call Center Data', 'Indy Region IT Applicants', and 'Indy Region IT Wages & Employment'.
  2. MSA Market Activity - See attached lists titled 'Indy Region Successes' and 'Indy Region Divestitures'
  3. Employer Interview Contacts - We are still awaiting confirmation from two companies.  We will forward contact information as soon as they respond.

You and your clients will find the Indianapolis Region offers these competitive advantages to companies located here:

  • The Indianapolis Region is home to nearly 2,000 information technology firms, including high-growth companies like ExactTarget, Interactive Intelligence and ChaCha.
  • The Indianapolis Region offers competitive electrical costs and redundancy necessary for IT facilities
  • Workforce – More than 2,600 IT applicants have looked for work in Central Indiana in the last two years
  • Indiana Ranks 1st in the Midwest and 6th Nationally on the Cost of Doing Business
  • Compared to other major metros the Indianapolis Region is in the lowest 10% when considering real estate costs and the lowest 25% of electricity costs
  • No tax on professional services
  • The Indianapolis Region has a regional workforce of about one million workers

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, my contact information is below.  Thank you for considering Indiana and we look forward to working with you!


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