Logistics Company Expanding, Adding 71 Jobs in Hendricks County

Indy Chamber News Archives

PLAINFIELD, Ind. (May 18, 2015) – Integrated Distribution Services (IDS), Inc., a provider of supply chain solutions for e-commerce and direct to consumer retailers, announced plans today to expand its operations in Plainfield, Indiana, creating up to 71 new jobs by 2020.

“As the Crossroads of America, Indiana is an ideal home for companies that rely on moving products efficiently,” said Governor Mike Pence. “Logistics companies like IDS know that the Hoosier State not only boasts a central location but also low taxes, low regulations and a strong workforce all qualities that make Indiana the best place to do business.”

Integrated Distribution Services, Inc. will invest $2.725 million to lease and equip a larger, 450,738-square-foot facility in AllPoints Midwest, a bulk industrial park in Hendricks County. The facility, which will allow IDS to consolidate its three Plainfield facilities and transportation services division under one roof, will improve efficiencies and better meet the needs of the company’s expanding customer base and workforce. 

The company plans to begin renovations in the next few weeks and begin hiring for warehousing, transportation, sales and back office positions late this year. Interested applicants may apply via the IDS website, www.idsfulfillment.com.   

“Due to our continued growth, we began looking for a facility for our expanded fulfillment operations as well as accommodating our fast growing transportation services group. It was our desire to remain in the southwest submarket because of the transportation options available with I-70, I-465, Indianapolis International Airport and the Avon intermodal yard so close by,” said Mark DeFabis, chairman of IDS. “A location in AllPoints Midwest allows us to continue to effectively serve our customers, retain our existing workforce and have access to a strong labor pool for future growth.” 

IDS Inc., the successor to Trans-City Terminal Warehouse that began in 1960, is a third-party logistics provider specializing in direct-to-consumer and business-to-consumer fulfillment solutions for retail customers in the apparel, food and beverage, nutraceuticals, medical, health and beauty, and multi-level marketing verticals. In addition, the company’s transportation services division is focused on dry and temperature controlled 53-foot domestic intermodal and national consolidations programs to deliver shipments on time and on budget.

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered IDS Inc. up to $625,000 in conditional tax credits based on the company’s job creation plans. These tax credits are performance-based, meaning until Hoosiers are hired, the company is not eligible to claim incentives. The town of Plainfield will consider additional incentives at the request of the Hendricks County Economic Development Partnership. 

“We are pleased that Integrated Distribution Services has decided to expand its operations in Plainfield and continue to invest in our community,” said Robin Brandgard, president of the Plainfield Town Council. “With over 30 million square feet of space in our business parks, Plainfield has proven again and again to be an effective location for companies. Our low tax rates, our business-friendly attitude and our outstanding community amenities are reasons businesses choose to remain here. We look forward to seeing the expansion of IDS succeed and employing more central Indiana Hoosiers.”


About Integrated Distribution Services, Inc. 

For over fifty years, IDS has delivered a comprehensive mix of supply chain logistics services that includes warehousing, distribution, order fulfillment and asset and non-asset transportation services to customers in diverse industries.  IDS Fulfillment specializes in order fulfillment for e-commerce, direct sales, retail and start-up companies serving a wide variety of industries including apparel, health and beauty, toys and games, food, nutraceutical and many more. www.idsfulfillment.com


About IEDC

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) leads the state of Indiana’s economic development efforts, focusing on helping companies grow in and locate to the state. Governed by a 12-member board chaired by Governor Mike Pence, the IEDC manages many initiatives, including performance-based tax credits, workforce training grants, public infrastructure assistance, and talent attraction and retention efforts. For more information about the IEDC, visit www.iedc.in.gov


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Media Contacts: 

Alicia Dale (IDS, Inc.) – 317.203.8718 or adale@idstransportation.com

Abby Gras (IEDC) – 317.232.8845 or agras@iedc.in.gov

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